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Tools of the Trade

Leatherworking Tools

Logan and the surrounding settlements were known for their agricultural economies. Cache Valley was an ideal location for pioneers to establish dairies, cattle ranches, and farms. Local shoemakers got their prepared leather from the tannery owned by Joel Ricks (1804-1888) and Thomas Weir (1809-1875), which was built in 1860. 

Cobbler's Tools

Shoemaking and repair is a delicate craft, so a cobbler needs the right tools. Hammers not only secure leather with tiny nails called tacks, but they also shape the leather and flatten seams and stitches.


Wooden Cobbler Box and Shoe Cloth
Date unknown
Wood, cloth
This box belonged to Charles Hills Baker (1845-1929) and was used to hold his cobbling tools and materials. “Economical Cobble” and “For Boot and Shoes Repairs” are written on the side. 
Gift of V. Kaye Nelson

  • Do you have anything at home that is made of leather?

  • Have you ever used a hammer? How might a cobbler's hammer be different?